Please note the date to receive entries is now passed.
The entries are now being collated in preparation for judging.
Judging will undertaken by a Nic Minassian, Jeff Bloxham and Alan Brewer (GRRC). The judges will select the top three photographs submitted in each class. These will then be passed to the Duke of Richmond & Gordon
for him to judge the first, second and third in each class.
Additional awards presented are : The Dukes Award, the Judges Choice, Amateur Photographer of the Year and based on a points system the Independent Goodwood Photographer of the Year.
Sponsorship from London Camera Exchange, Border Digital Ltd, with Sony cameras in attendance
For information below are the classes this year and the rules for information.
The Independent Goodwood Photographers Guild 4th Annual Photographic Competition 2018/9
1 – The competition is open to professionals and amateurs alike, however photos from areas where accreditation is needed can only be entered in class 1. Photos in all other 9 classes must have been taken from publicly accessible areas (including GRRC enclosures.) Accreditation gives access to pit lane, start line, assembly areas, drivers club and certain photographic viewpoints unavailable to most photographers.
2 - All photographs entered must have been taken by the entrant and be as specified in the classes entered.
3 - Entrants may enter a maximum of SEVEN classes of their choice out of the ten on offer.
4 - All entries must be accompanied by an entry form which can be downloaded from the files section of the IGPG page. Please state on the entry from classes entered and a brief description of each photo i.e. where and when taken plus subject. ALL entrants will also be asked to state their photographic level from one of four categories - Professional, Semi Professional, Keen amateur and Amateur. If you are unsure as to what category, then please do ask.
We are asking this only so as to help us to do two things - firstly to help sort out those who would be eligible for the new award of Best Amateur Photographer, and secondly to help us better understand our entrants and their abilities and so better plan future competitions. You will not be judged on those abilities and no information will be held in a database.
5 - All photographs must be entered as prints at either A4 or 12x8 in size on the photographic paper of your choice. Photographs may be cropped to any degree but do not cut the prints to size. Please do not mount your photos or write anything on the back of them and please make sure all watermarks are removed.
6 - Failure to follow these rules may lead to your entry/entries being disqualified from the competition.
7 - All entries should be sent to the following address -
Please include the downloadable entry from with you classes marked and described. Please ensure your photos are sent suitably well packaged and protected as no responsibility will be accepted by the IGPG committee for any damage whilst in transit.
8 - ALL entries must be received by November the 30th 2018; late entries will not be accepted except where postal strikes have delayed delivery.
9 - On receipt of entries, all photos will be uniquely numbered and logged with the entrant's name. The judges will only see this number during the judging process to retain anonymity.
10 - Judging will take place in January/February by a panel of judges, independent of the IGPG and their decision will be final.
11 - Once judging is complete, all points will be added up to find the IGPG Photographer of the Year. Points will be scored - 4 for a 1st, 3 for a 2nd, 2 for a 3rd and 1 for a HC (where awarded), with the winner being the person accruing the most points. In the event of a tie, then the photographer with the most first places will win and so on. There will also be an award for the IGPG Amateur Photographer of the Year for the most points accrued by those marking their entry form as such. However, amateur winners from the previous year will not be eligible. The judges will also be looking for their favourite photographs which will be awarded the Judges Choice award and the Duke's award respectively.
12 - On the day of the show, all visitors will be asked to vote for their favourite photograph out of all the entries on display. The photo polling the most votes will be awarded the IGPG Photograph of the Year.
13 - Prize cards will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and highly commended and all trophies will be presented on the day of the show.
14 - All photographs should be collected at the end of the show. For those entering but unable to attend, please make arrangements to either collect them at another time or provide stamped addressed envelopes for their return.
Classes for the IGPG Photographic Competition No. 4 2018/9
1 – Goodwood Access all areas – 1 photo taken in 2017/18 at any Goodwood event in any area including where accreditation is needed, as well as all publicly accessible areas – any subject, colour/ B&W/ sepia
2 – Goodwood in Monochrome – 1 photo taken in 2017/18 at anyGoodwood event or circuit track day from a publicly accessible area – any subject, Black & White/sepia only
3 – The art of Motion – 1 photo taken in 2017/18 at any Goodwood event or circuit track day from a publicly accessible area depicting movement/action/motion – any subject, colour/B&W/sepia
4 – It’s all in the Detail – 1 photo taken in 2017/18 at any Goodwood event or circuit track day in a publicly accessible area of some detail/macro/close up – any subject, colour/B&W/sepia
5 – Famous Faces (and the not so famous) – 1 photo taken in 2017/18 at any Goodwood event or circuit track day in a publicly accessible area depicting people/drivers/personalities – colour/B&W/sepia
6 – Revival Style – 1 photo taken at the 2017/18 Goodwood Revival from a publicly accessible area that depicts the events unique style from the people and place to the racing and air displays – any subject, colour/B&W/sepia
7 – Times Gone By– 1 photo taken in 2017/18 at any Goodwood event or circuit track day from a publicly accessible area that depicts a bygone era or style – any subject, colour/B&W/sepia
8 – Modern Goodwood – 1 photo taken in 2017/18 at any Goodwood event or circuit track day from a publicly accessible area that depicts a modern view of Goodwood in the 21stcentury - any subject, colour/B&W/sepia
9 – Fixtures & Fittings – 1 photo taken in 2017/18 at any Goodwood event or circuit track day from a publicly accessible area of any of the buildings, pits, paddocks or temporary features such as Revival garages, Earls Court building, FOS central feature, Moving Motor Show, GRRC enclosures, GAS arena, shops, food outlets – any subject, colour/B&W/sepia
10 – Beyond the gates of Goodwood – 1 photo taken in 2017/18 from a publicly accessible area of any motoring, motorcycling or air show event outside of Goodwood – any subject, colour/B&W/sepia